Friday, October 31, 2014

How to Win at Investing

Below are links to short clips of a fantastic documentary called "How to Win the Losers Game." The documentary, produced by Sensible Investing, basically tells you the nasty truths about investing, but also tells you the very best way to go about investing.  Much of the documentary is focused on the United Kingdom, but most of the data and statistics hold true here in the United States as well the rest of the world.  

Regardless of where you live and invest, regardless of your age, EVERYONE should watch these video clips.  
In a nutshell, the lowest cost investment strategy will always beat a more expensive strategy.  So, you should index everything and ignore the so-called "experts" that chatter endlessly about the ups and downs of the markets, and always stay the course.  

Part 1  (6:02)
Part 2  (7:38)
Part 3 (10:41)
Part 4 (12:08)
Part 5  (8:37)
Part 6 (13:16)
Part 7  (8:14)
Part 8  (9:49)
Part 9  (8:55)
Part 10 (10.01)

If you are on Twitter, @InvestSensibly is well worth following.  (I'm on Twitter too @relmbo). 

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